Wrestling Blog
 If you did not already know I love me some CM Punk ever since I saw him in Ring of Honour I could always see their was something special about CM Punk. His ability to speak and wrestling skills on are a different level then most talent and he has a unique style that makes him stand out. All that being said I do have one major problem with CM Punk and it is his finisher the GTS does not look real lets all be honest. In theory the Go To Sleep is a awesome move toss the opponent off your shoulders he does a spin and ends up with his face smashing against your knee, all sounds good right? The problem is the finisher doesn't actually connect and not that I want to see wrestlers getting knocked out by taking knees in the face I don't really know what I want to see happen to change the GTS. All I do know is that when I watch the Go To Sleep I see wrestling is fake. Who ever is getting hit with the GTS does not actually get hit in the face with a knee and you can clearly see it and then you watch the wrestlers who landed on his feet and had a knee come two inch's from his face drop down to the mat selling it like they where hit by Triple H's sledgehammer It shows me what I am watching is fake. Now people are going to say what are you complaining about wrestling is fake. Well yes it is and so was Seinfeld but the fact that Seinfeld's characters and dialogue where so real made it great. Ask your self the question what makes a great actor in dramatic hollywood box office movies? The fact that he is believable is what comes to my mind, they could be the greatest words ever written but if you the actor or performer does not deliver them properly and make them believable those great words mean nothing.

   Now please don't get on me for saying CM Punk is not believable or not a good performer what I am saying is the move in my opinion has a negative effect on the show. Shawn Michaels was one of the best if not the best wrestler ever and without taking credit away from Shawn I believe his finisher was part of that.