Wrestling Blog
     Matt Hardy has been let go by Impact Wrestling after crashing his corvette into a tree and recieving a DWI. I am shocked to see Impact doing any disciplinary to anyone on their roster but it's about time if the Hardy boy's are in this bad of shape they need help. Jeff and Matt have done alot inside of pro wrestling and i was always a fan of the Hardy's but they are two more wrestlers ruining their legacy today. I really like the Hardy's and would love to see them get their shit together they are on tredding a rocky road anyone who has had any problems with substance abuse or has had someone in your family with a addiction can understand.  I have found in my experiences with my own addiction problems in the past and people i have known that the party with the addiction usually has to hit rock bottom before getting help. When someone is able to still go to work and make the money to supply the addiction they have not hit rock bottom yet. 

  For any company or sports organization to have someone on roster who has a addiction problem and is doing nothing about it other then continuing to push him out onto the stage to entertain the fans then give the talent money to go and buy drugs is in some way shape or form helping to enable this person. Now is it the organizations responsibility to baby sit their talent? I mean if Matt or Jeff show up to work and do their job is it Impacts responsibility to help them out with their problems outside of work. I think normally i would say no but in this case with the problems inside of professional wrestling and sports today with substance abuse they dont have much of a choice to protect themself, the talent and the integrity of the business. The outside view of people who are not pro wrestling fans is not good because of the constant problems inside the business and the constant deaths, this cannot help getting large outside advertisers to want to deal with you and your product with such a negative vibe around the product. Wrestling has tragicly become a business that eats its young and if pro wrestling wants to continue to thrive for many more years then something needs to be done about the substance abuse problems inside the business.


Photo Credit: impactwrestling.com
   Why are we as fans being forced to deal with this I fork out a over priced bill for a WWE or UFC PPV and I get a add for a new movie coming soon WWE wants to charge me over forty dollars to watch one of their shows and within the three hours I watch a movie trailer unacceptable if you ask me. The entire idea of PPV is the lack of commercials and really any kind of annoying advertising and  for you to be free to watch the show presented to you without interruption. What could possibly give a company like WWE or UFC the arrogance to feel that something like this is okay. 

 Being honest with myself I have to say its because they know that they have me by the balls I have already paid and its two minutes. These companies know theirs nothing I can do about it. Do I stop ordering because of a two minute add? Maybe I guess if it pisses me off that much that. So simply said these bastards do this because they know we will order UFC or WWE because we like the show enough and their selfish and arrogant enough to draw the extra bucks doing the adds during the PPV.
Photo Credit: http://prowrestling.wikia.com

        "Life Sucks Then You Die"
         Vince McMahon


  Can You Dig It Sucka. Booker Huffman is one of the top guys in the wrestling business he is a great talent Booker started with the tag division in WCW Booker has had good match's for his entire career. Has Booker main event ever like his name is Cena? Well no but Booker has had made some great main event match's. Booker the biggest star in WCW when it went under he had both major titles when WCW was purchased by Vince McMahon I had no fear and I doubt Booker did either that he would not be a WWE talent soon enough. Booker walked in WWE a dual champion WCW World Heavyweight Champion and WCW United States Championship. Some people where angry about the way Booker was booked by WWE Creative but I saw no problems. Booker had Shane McMahon in his corner as like a manager and was put with The Rock and I can already hear whining but Booker just lost and was made to look weak by The Rock. Well to all those people I say FALSE when your brought in to a company like WWE people need to understand that as big as WCW was WWE had fans who did not watch WCW during that era and had no relation to Booker T. If a new Wrestler is working with the top guy in the company or loose this will do positive things for his career and helped launch Booker forward to becoming one of WWE's top talents a few years later. I would have loved to have seen Booker T reach higher levels in WWE but it would be hard to say he was not or misused. If you have found Booker exciting funny annoying or entertaining he has always worked hard and held his own in match's and after developing in WWE he became a great promo worker.

Career Accomplishments:

WCW World Heavyweight Champion 5 Times
WCW United States Champion 1 Time
WCW World Tag Team Champion 10 Times
WCW World Television Champion 6 Times

TNA Legends Champion 1 Time 
TNA World Tag Team Champion 1 Time

WWE World Heavyweight Champion 1 Time 
WWE Tag Team Champion 3 Time
WWE Intercontinental Champion 1 Time
WWE United States Champion 3 Times
WWE King Of The Ring 2006

  Having held a promotion together seven times has been done only one time by The Icon Sting. First The NWA World Heavyweight Championship was the prize in WCW before they created their own championship but at the time the NWA Title was essentially the WCW Championship holding ownership over the brand. Sting started with this championship then won the newly made WCW Championship several times. Sting was WCW's top baby face and a seven time world champion. 
Photo Credit: WWE.com
The Icon Sting - 1 Time NWA World Heavyweight Champion, 6 Times WCW World Heavyweight Champion. 
 If you did not already know I love me some CM Punk ever since I saw him in Ring of Honour I could always see their was something special about CM Punk. His ability to speak and wrestling skills on are a different level then most talent and he has a unique style that makes him stand out. All that being said I do have one major problem with CM Punk and it is his finisher the GTS does not look real lets all be honest. In theory the Go To Sleep is a awesome move toss the opponent off your shoulders he does a spin and ends up with his face smashing against your knee, all sounds good right? The problem is the finisher doesn't actually connect and not that I want to see wrestlers getting knocked out by taking knees in the face I don't really know what I want to see happen to change the GTS. All I do know is that when I watch the Go To Sleep I see wrestling is fake. Who ever is getting hit with the GTS does not actually get hit in the face with a knee and you can clearly see it and then you watch the wrestlers who landed on his feet and had a knee come two inch's from his face drop down to the mat selling it like they where hit by Triple H's sledgehammer It shows me what I am watching is fake. Now people are going to say what are you complaining about wrestling is fake. Well yes it is and so was Seinfeld but the fact that Seinfeld's characters and dialogue where so real made it great. Ask your self the question what makes a great actor in dramatic hollywood box office movies? The fact that he is believable is what comes to my mind, they could be the greatest words ever written but if you the actor or performer does not deliver them properly and make them believable those great words mean nothing.

   Now please don't get on me for saying CM Punk is not believable or not a good performer what I am saying is the move in my opinion has a negative effect on the show. Shawn Michaels was one of the best if not the best wrestler ever and without taking credit away from Shawn I believe his finisher was part of that.  

  So Impact Wrestlings big pay perview is coming up and they have begun their build towards that event and more and more it looks like Crimson is going to be working against the World Champion whoever that will be come BFG. I like Crimson he has a great look and can work a match theirs room for improvement but thats always the case. Maybe they keep the big strap on Angle and he and Crimson can work the main event i guarantee you that would be a good match because Kurt Angles involved. Kurt may not be what he was only a few short years ago but when he wants to be he is still one of the best in the world.

  Sting Hogan? This match at BFG keeps getting whispered and i cannot say i would be excited to see this one I could find this match acceptable for a mid card bout but if the show goes of air after the Sting vs Hogan match Impact Wrestling in my opinion would be showing the world once again they have no faith in their own ability to find and build home grown talent. some may argue with me that this Hogan Sting Storyline involving the fate of the company and Dixie Carter is such a important part of the show it has to be the main event. If that may be the case why would Impact Wrestling build their show around two guys over the ago of 50 years old it shows no long term business plan or agenda. The biggest Impact Wrestling Storyline has to be built around new young guys. 

  For those of you that are Impact Wrestling fans I plan to begin watching them again and blogging about the show I have been on a break from Impact Wrestling since Sting picked up the Joker Gimmick in my opinion its so bad it is unwatchable but if people are enjoying it to each his own. Im going to give Impact a shot again and hopefully i don't see Sting continuing to kill his legacy. 

  Their is one thing I have to say about Impact that is a phuenominal idea which is the Bound For Glory Series. It's different first off a point system is something I dont think I have seen in pro wrestling since WCW Crockett days the series mentions Bound For Glory every episode and every match in the series it can only help to pound that name into peoples minds.

 The WWE has two major world titles and two mid card titles and a set of tag titles so more male talent on the roster their is a total of six champions in the WWE. Actively their is forty Wrestlers fighting for 6 titles across the company it does not actually sound to bad when you put it that way but the division feel week mainly because their is not that much meaningful main event talents for two major titles. So lets talk divisions before we get down to it lets just say first off their is no way to list a tag division because it doesn't exist. But lets get started with the United States Championship on Raw. This title was huge at one time and meant the world it was the number two title in NWA and WCW. Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair, Sting, and I could go on for a entire page with names from the past that held the US title. 

United States Championship 

1. Alex Riley -  This could very soon be Alex Riley's next step he very much feels like a mid card champion right now and that's a good thing. 

2. David Otunga - He is one of the tag team champions not that being a tag champ means anything anymore but if Otunga was to get a singles tag push on Raw this is what he should be competing for. 

3. Dolph Ziggler - Well Dolph Ziggler is the current US Champ so how can he not be on this list and WWE has allowed Dolph to have the best US title run in a while he talks about the Title like it meaningful and makes the belt sound like it means something. As much as I am a Daniel Bryan Danielson mark WWE did nothing with Bryan's title run. 

4. Drew McIntyre - I think Drew is a solid talent and does not get enough TV time but he is young and I don't believe he is going anywhere. Drew is big and is a talented guy he's just missing something I don't know what is it yet. 

5. Jack Swagger - Swagger is a awesome wrestler and yes he has won a World Heavyweight Championship but the reign fell short of expectation. Jack feels like a mid carder right now and the All American American United States Champion doesn't sound to bad. 

6. John Morrison - John I feel is close to a top of the card title but Theirs still something missing from John Morrison before he becomes a World Champion. I doubt we would see Morrison as US Champio but I would not be suprised to see Morrison win the belt maybe be a transitional champion two heels. 

7. Kofi Kingston - Kofi can have a decent match but his character does nothing for me personally but he seems to over with kids. He is very easily could have this title any time now Kofi's bland promos and gimmick will keep him a mid carder. 

8. Michael Mcgillicuty -  The other half of the tag champs and the son of Curt Henning better known as Mr. Perfect is right at this mid card level and just like his partner if he had a singles push this would be the prize he should be chasing. 

9. Mason Ryan - Geeez this is a stretch but if he came back as a solo talent he could run through people and grab this title really I just want to be able to put more names on this list. 

10. Evan Bourne - I would love to see Evan win this title he's exciting and the fans are behind him so why not?

 If theirs anyone I am missing please let me know because I really wish that this list was longer but if anyone else should be on here let me know in the comments or email please ten names is not really enough if you ask me. Next the Intercontinental Championship at one point this title was huge and I mean huge this title was never a world belt of course but on rare occasion in the 80's it was the main event title for WWF at the time.

1. Cody Rhodes - The current champ again is of course on the list of course Cody is cutting good promos lately I am not the biggest fan of the clear face mask showing their is nothing wrong with his face. Also Cody needs to work with people his size not Ezekiel Jackson. 

2. Daniel Bryan - Bryan is the Money In The Bank Winner but at the same time he could win the Intercontinental Title why not? 

3. Ezekiel Jackson - This guy needs to be pushed as a monster and stop loosing to people over a hundred pounds lighter then him in reality he would kill almost everyone in the ring he faces. 

4. Heath Slater - Slater isn't a bad worker but I don't seem him doing anything but jobs right now in the WWE but he could work against a baby face Intercontinental Champion and put over the mid card Champion. 

5. Jinder Mahal - I really haven't seen Jinder do much so far but what I have seen so far has been very good. This title could very easily be next for Jinder.

6. Johnny Curtis - I know this is a bit of a stretch he just showed up with his bad pun promo's but this would be the only title he could possibly have a match for. 

7. JTG - A even bigger stretch but I guess he could lose to a mid card Champion in a title match at this point but JTG doesn't mean much. 

8. Justin Gabriel - Turning Gabriel Baby Face and having him compete for this title would be a very smart thing for WWE to do at this point in my opinion. 

9. Sin Cara - This should be the blue power rangers next step. 

10. Ted Dibiase - Ted at this point needs something and winning the Intercontinental Title within the next year wouldn't hurt him. 

11. Tyson Kidd - Another stretch but Tyson has good match's on Smackdown. 

12. Wade Barret - Not too long ago he was Intercontinental Champion but I think Wade Barret should move on to bigger and better things.

13. Zach Ryder - I like Zach he has charisma I don't think at this point he can be taken seriously enough for this Championship but that could be easily changed.

   Thirteen names and lets be honest three of them were thrown in to make the list look good. 

  The World Heavyweight Championship on Smackdown right now has been a credible wrestling title as its moved it's way through promotions over the years. 

1. Christian - Within the last six months he has held this title twice so of course he is on the list I believe from now on Christian should be working towards the top of the card. 

2. Daniel Bryan - I know this is a bit early but he won Money In The Bank and say's he will cash it in at WM 28 in a good old baby face way of doing it. So this alone puts him in the conversation. 

3. Ezekiel Jackson - This is a stretch but he has the physique to look credible enough to challenge for any title in the company.

4. Kane - I like Kane but I think its getting about time for him to hang up his boots but always a good promo and a believable guy on TV. His size gimmick and history will make Kane a always credible world title contender. 

5. Mark Henry - I cannot believe that I am doing this if someone put him on a list like this seven months ago I would have laughed but Henry is now a credible beast and is reborn as a wrestling gimmick now we just hope WWE doesn't fuck it up by having him to a job to hornswoggle. 

6. Randy Orton - He is one of the best currently Randy is a compete Super Star Wrestling Talent he has gone stale as a baby face but will always be one of the greats and a credible world title contender and is the current Champion. 

7. Sheamus - The Celtic Warrior is awesome and a credible opponent for the title soon enough n Smackdown. 

8. The Great Kali - He has been champion before so I guess he can be here but I dont think Kali is getting world gold again in his WWE career. 

9. Wade Barret - The Englishman is a awesome talent and a future star for the company this is Barrets next step sooner or later. 

Next WWE Championship
