Wrestling Blog
  TNA Wrestling has again showed why they are so tragic their last PPV i think it was Slammiversary or something honestly at this point who the fuck cares im shocked their still in business. Anyway TNA's last PPV sept 11th 2011 and the same night that Sunday Night Football had its season debut. So on 9/11 TNA went head to head with the NFL probably the most popular sports league in North America right now. Not only that the game was featuring the New York Jets on the ten year anniversary of 9/11 versus the Dallas Cowboys America's team.

If you just read that last paragraph and went woah what a stupid decision going head to head with sunday night football with those circumstances is moronic to say the least it gets worse. TNA announced their main event only one hour and fourty five minutes before the PPV aired. What this tells me is that no one in their office is checking the competitions schedule a good business knows what their competition i doing thats a fact. I have known small wrestling promoters and they would never run their small show infront of 600 people on the same night the town has a highschool football team is playing or their is a band in town doing a show and these guys are not part of a major company or running their promotion on a major network i mean honestly what the fuck TNA? Where is the business sense where is the common sense. Sadly its just not their and its sad to see it because i want TNA to excell its good for the business in general. TNA will die or flounder forever until they improve all accross the board.
   Why are we as fans being forced to deal with this I fork out a over priced bill for a WWE or UFC PPV and I get a add for a new movie coming soon WWE wants to charge me over forty dollars to watch one of their shows and within the three hours I watch a movie trailer unacceptable if you ask me. The entire idea of PPV is the lack of commercials and really any kind of annoying advertising and  for you to be free to watch the show presented to you without interruption. What could possibly give a company like WWE or UFC the arrogance to feel that something like this is okay. 

 Being honest with myself I have to say its because they know that they have me by the balls I have already paid and its two minutes. These companies know theirs nothing I can do about it. Do I stop ordering because of a two minute add? Maybe I guess if it pisses me off that much that. So simply said these bastards do this because they know we will order UFC or WWE because we like the show enough and their selfish and arrogant enough to draw the extra bucks doing the adds during the PPV.