Wrestling Blog
  Having held either the WWE, World Heavyweight or WCW Championship at any point and time is huge. These three titles or two because the WCW title became the World Heavyweight Championship mean the holder is the top guy on the given brand and a huge name in the business.
 Number 1 - Booker T - 5 Times WCW Champion, 1 Time WWE World Heavyweight Champion

Number 2 - Chris Jericho -  1 Time WWE Champion, 2 Times WCW Champion, 
3 Times World Heavyweight Champion 

Number 3 - Dave Batista - 2 Times WWE Champion, 4 Times WWE World Heavyweight Champion
Photo Credit: WWE.com
Number 4 - Randy Savage - 2 Times WWE Champion, 4 Times WCW Champion

Number 5 - Kurt Angle - 4 Times WWE Champion, 1 Time WCW Champion, 
1 Time WWE World Heavyweight Champion. 

Number 6 - Steve Austin - 6 Time WWE Champion 
   I always try to look at the big picture and never judge a angle right away I have to see it play through and then make a decision. So tonight CM Punk beat John Cena to become the Undisputed WWE Champion then strangely Kevin Nash appeared and destroyed Punk laying him out in the ring and running back into the crowd next Alberto Del Rio's music hit and Del Rio cashed in Money In The Bank and won the WWE Championship. So my first thought is why piss off the fans they just won over with giving CM Punk this much credibility. I have to say I have always been a fan of the chase so having Punk chase someone for the WWE Title as a Baby Face could very easily work. Alberto Del Rio as WWE Champion? I happen to be a big Del Rio fan but I am not sure if he's ready really only time will tell. My next question is Punk going to feud with Kevin Nash and is Kevin Nash going to have another run? Nothing against Nash but I don't understand why yet other than he's Triple H's buddy. I really hope Kevin Nash is back for something meaningful that makes sense with who he is. 

  Randy Orton VS Christian was a good match but I have become desensitized to tables and chairs I would rather see a good match with real rules that feels like a real professional competition and of course wrestling is a show and not a real sport but it is a show mimicking a real sport and what real sport would allow crazy shit that happens in a no holds barred or extreme rules match. 

At this point as good as this feud has been it needs to come to a end it's time. Orton winning was inevitable and as much as I would have loved to have seen Christian made to look better in this feud it has been good and good for Christians career. Currently now though I find my biggest fear in pro wrestling is WWE having nothing for Christian and seeing him dwindle in the mid card from now on. I cannot explain to you how much it would bother me to see that. 

 As for the rest of the matchs Sheamus Vs Mark Henry was solid to watch the match had a good spot through the guard rail and Henry continued to look like a monster. Kelly Kelly retained the Divas Title in a match where Kelly was made to show a tougher side a match where WWE planned to make Kelly Kelly. Wade Barret and Daniel Bryan had a match where Barret won it was good to see two young talents on PPV and to see Barret going  back to his FCW gimmick chasing wins and titles for money and wearing the jacket for his entrance. Also a thrown together show opener three versus three tag match Alberto Del Rio, The Miz and R Truth in a team of heels faced the team of baby faces in Rey Mysterio, John Morrison and Kofi Kingston. This match was very thrown together but at the same time the talent in the match worked a very good opener these six man match's are very hard to work with so many competitors and the multiple spot finish was awesome. The Team of Raw baby faces won this match. 

  In conclusion this was a decent pay per view but I never imagined anything as great as we received last months in Money In The Bank it's hard to capture lightning in a bottle twice and the shocking end did have me blown away.  


Photo Credit: Mansoor Naderi
  If you ask me Christian is the most underrated and under used Professional Wrestler in the history of the business. Their is not a single part of being a pro wrestler Christian is not a master he has great speaking skills a good look charisma and the ability to have good believable match's. Christian only now after so many constant years of being entertaining is getting to work the main event. I would have wanted to see Christian a strong baby face as he should be but he has done a good job and made me believe the character WWE wants him to portray. Starting with the tag team division Christian was cutting amazing funny promos for years winning the tag belts when they meant something multiple times. When Christian went on his own and became a heel character similar in many ways to the one he portrays today. His next move was working towards the Intercontinental and European Championships. After floundering in the mid card Christian felt he needed to make it to the next level and took a major career risk and left the WWE for the newly growing TNA Wrestling where he immediately won the NWA World Heavyweight Championship at the time which is now the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Christian found the top of the card and world title but i don't know if it truly gave Christian the satisfaction he desired because after only a few short years in TNA he returned to the WWE to work on Vince McMahon's new version of ECW Wrestling where Christian soon after grabbed the ECW Championship working at the top of the smallest WWE Brand. As ECW Champion the brand was dropped by WWE to start the show NXT in the ECW TV spot. Christian was placed on the Smackdown brand where he has remained first working towards the Intercontinental Championship again but when his former tag partner Edge was forced into retirement due to medical reasons WWE saw the fans behind Christian even more now and saw it fit to give Christian the WWE World Heavyweight Championship to sell a PPV and create a storyline that I have to admit now I have very much enjoyed watching. I hope to see Christian continuing to work the main event for many more years because he is not a new face to the WWE but a new face to the WWE World title picture. 

   Like him or not Christian has been on TV for over a decade now almost every week having great match's and entertaining wrestling fans all over. Theirs no doubt he has earned the moniker Captain Charisma. 

Career Accomplishments: 

ECWA Heavyweight Championship 1 Time

NTPW Pro Tag Team Championship 1 Time With Sexton Hardcastle

TNA World Heavyweight Championship 1 Time 

WWE World Heavyweight Championship 2 Times
ECW Championship 2 Times
WWE Intercontinental Championship 3 Times
WWE Tag Team Championship 9 Times
WWE Hardcore Championship 1 Time 
WWE Light Heavyweight Championship 1 Time
Eleventh WWE Grand Slam Champion 

Twenty Third Triple Crown Champion 

Photo Credit: WWE.com
Photo Credit: WWE.com

  "This is what we thought was John's room but their was Wrestling boots and since John cant Wrestle I wasn't sure"

Photo Credit: WWE.com
  Cena is a huge talent like it or not one of his biggest flaw is being the biggest star in the PG era. Cena also has been so over exposed it is not even funny and has spend very little time away from the business so he may be missed. Cena's gimmick is not over with me as a fan never has been and never will be but he has his fans and draws money. Like him or not Cena has done alot for the WWE and wrestling. Cena has put on good match's but his limited style is getting played out and he feels boring but Cena has always known how to play the role he needs to play inside the ring to tell the story the match needs to tell.  

  John Cena the man not the character John Cena is a very hard working individual and a great representative for the wrestling business. He doesn't do drugs or party he just works and works hard also Cena has granted more Children's Wish's than anyone in the foundations history. If you have spent any time around a sick child who most likely will not live through the year its a deeply saddening experience and anyone who can brighten happiness too one of these kids days is a huge deal if you ask me. I understand completely this has nothing to do with the product presented in the ring but as much as I dislike a white hip hop rapper type character in wrestling and find it hard to watch Cena on TV with his tragic ring attire, I still have a huge amount of respect for the man. 

Career Accomplishments: 

OVW World Heavyweight Championship 1 Time 
OVW Southern Tag Team Championship 1 Time With Rico Constantino 

UPW Heavyweight Championship 1 Time 

WWE Championship 9 Times 
WWE World Heavyweight Championship 2 Times
WWE Unites States Championship 3 Times
WWE Tag Team Championship 4 Times
Royal Rumble Winner 2008
WWE Slammy Award Winner Super Star of The Year 2 Times 
(2009 & 2010)

Photo Credit: WWE.com

  "My Movie Went Straight to DVD Just Like Yours" 
CM Punk 

Photo Credit: WWE.com
    Well first I have to say why are their only four match's booked for Summer Slam and it is two days away and this is a three hour pay per view. I cannot help but be confused by how WWE think's without announcing the card and having title rematch's is going to help sell tickets. Alberto Del Rio, The Miz, Rey Mysterio and Wade Barret have no match's on this card announced I have to believe their are fans out their interested in these said talents. 

 I hate to point fingers but it feels like it is complete arrogance on WWE's part to not announce most likely three match's on the card they sure feel Cena and Punk will grab the buy rates they desire.

Okay so match number 1. Divas Championship Match 
Beth Pheonix VS Kelly Kelly(C)  
Winner: New Champion Beth Pheonix 

 I am not going to say I enjoy women's wrestling in the competitive sense the way I like watching men work match's I mainly enjoy women's wrestling for more shamefull reasons and I don't think it has to be that way and Beth Pheonix helps represent that she can work a match she can wrestle and most importantly she has heat so it would only be smart to roll with it. 

2. Sheamus VS Mark Henry
Winner: Mark Henry 

   It has been a decade but still Mark Henry as sexual chocolate bothers me maybe it always will. But for the short moments I can forget I do see the monster Mark Henry is he's a beast and is being pushed as such. This push for Henry has to keep coming and some kind of pay off has to come from it Henry being either a World Champion and a beast on Smackdown or a PPV main event competitor for someone like Punk, Cena or Orton. I always want to try and be suspended from reality and believe I am watching something real when watching wrestling and be fooled for just a second and in reality someone like Mark Henry would be World Champion. 

3. No Holds Barred Match For The World Heavyweight Championship 
 Randy Orton VS Christian(C)
Winner: Christian 

    In my opinion I cannot have it go any other way I would have much rather have enjoyed seeing Christian have a run as a baby face champion but we don't always get what we want. Christian needs to win because WWE has two small roster and two World Titles so if Orton beats Christian how do they keep this thing going. I would love to see Christian's win to be clean but I seriously doubt I will be seeing that. I don'y see any reason for this to continue other then a lack of roster depth in the WWE currently. 

4. Undisputed WWE Championship Match Special Guest Referee Triple H
  (C)John Cena VS CM Punk(C)
Winner: CM Punk

  Why CM Punk well they explained it at the end of Raw Monday night Punk needs it without it he goes back where he was before cutting that promo which set all the events of this story into motion. John Cena has had the WWE Championship so many times it doesn't mean a thing on him at this point they have pushed him to the stars as much as they can to the stars at this point. 

Photo Credit: WWE.com

    "Chikas Are For Fun"
      Scott Hall/Razor Ramone

Photo Credit: WWE.com
  CM Punk is the hottest man in the business right now he is popular and a topic of conversation. Punk now is going to main event his second pay per view in a row with the top guy in the company and it looks like win in both of these match's. But is CM Punk the man that good or is the Angle he has been performing so well just simply that good. Well like all good questions their is never simply one answer. This is angle is damn good I believe any wrestler in this company right who has a decent amount of mic skills could pull this off and be the hottest talent in the business right now. CM Punk said everything the fans wanted to hear he talked about Vince not knowing talent and mentioned people like John Laurinaitis and called out the constant ass kissing inside the company. Being honest with themselfls I believe most wrestling fans would be jumping on that talents soon to be extremely heavy bandwagon. Not soon after that he showed up Vince McMahon and defeated John Cena for the WWE Championship before confidently walking out of the company through a home town arena as thousands of glowing fans chanted his name. 

    Do I believe that any star would be hot executing this angle yes but Punk was by far the right choice and took it to places no one else would have been able to because of who he is. Who is CM Punk well he is originally a Indy talent. Mostly more of the hard core fans follow and know Indy talent and understand CM Punks roots and can relate to him and his character. CM Punk and the fans of his home town Chicago seem to have a connection Punk no matter how big of a heel is always cheered in Chicago even he can be quoted saying he cannot understand it. In Chicago that match at Money In The Bank no doubt had a special feeling to it something wrestling has been missing for a while in a match. That feeling was last felt when The Rock returned but in a match I don't know if we have had a match we as fans felt so attached too since Wrestlemania 26 Undertaker VS Shawn Michaels. Their is no question CM Punk was made at Money In The Bank and I believe WWE will use CM Punk to draw the hardcore fan a Baby Face for a hardcore fan is a smart decision since well the hard core fan has been mad at wrestling till this point and many of those hard core fans may still be but WWE looked to please them at Money In The Bank and I believe they will do the same at Summer Slam. 

   I am here from now on to show you the World of Professional Wrestling through a entire different set of eyes then you have ever seen before. I am not a Smark or a Troll or another stupid wrestling fan. I have watched wrestling for my entire life and have spent years learning the business also having business and marketing experience and can look at the business from a different angle. I love different kinds of pro wrestling and as much as I would love to follow other promotions like Chikara, New Japan or Any number of other promotions but simply do not have the time. That being said I follow WWE, TNA and a little bit of ROH also I plan to following some professional sports. I am extremely excited abou