Wrestling Blog
Photo Credit: WWE.com
  CM Punk is the hottest man in the business right now he is popular and a topic of conversation. Punk now is going to main event his second pay per view in a row with the top guy in the company and it looks like win in both of these match's. But is CM Punk the man that good or is the Angle he has been performing so well just simply that good. Well like all good questions their is never simply one answer. This is angle is damn good I believe any wrestler in this company right who has a decent amount of mic skills could pull this off and be the hottest talent in the business right now. CM Punk said everything the fans wanted to hear he talked about Vince not knowing talent and mentioned people like John Laurinaitis and called out the constant ass kissing inside the company. Being honest with themselfls I believe most wrestling fans would be jumping on that talents soon to be extremely heavy bandwagon. Not soon after that he showed up Vince McMahon and defeated John Cena for the WWE Championship before confidently walking out of the company through a home town arena as thousands of glowing fans chanted his name. 

    Do I believe that any star would be hot executing this angle yes but Punk was by far the right choice and took it to places no one else would have been able to because of who he is. Who is CM Punk well he is originally a Indy talent. Mostly more of the hard core fans follow and know Indy talent and understand CM Punks roots and can relate to him and his character. CM Punk and the fans of his home town Chicago seem to have a connection Punk no matter how big of a heel is always cheered in Chicago even he can be quoted saying he cannot understand it. In Chicago that match at Money In The Bank no doubt had a special feeling to it something wrestling has been missing for a while in a match. That feeling was last felt when The Rock returned but in a match I don't know if we have had a match we as fans felt so attached too since Wrestlemania 26 Undertaker VS Shawn Michaels. Their is no question CM Punk was made at Money In The Bank and I believe WWE will use CM Punk to draw the hardcore fan a Baby Face for a hardcore fan is a smart decision since well the hard core fan has been mad at wrestling till this point and many of those hard core fans may still be but WWE looked to please them at Money In The Bank and I believe they will do the same at Summer Slam. 

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