Wrestling Blog
Photo Credit: WWE.com
    Well first I have to say why are their only four match's booked for Summer Slam and it is two days away and this is a three hour pay per view. I cannot help but be confused by how WWE think's without announcing the card and having title rematch's is going to help sell tickets. Alberto Del Rio, The Miz, Rey Mysterio and Wade Barret have no match's on this card announced I have to believe their are fans out their interested in these said talents. 

 I hate to point fingers but it feels like it is complete arrogance on WWE's part to not announce most likely three match's on the card they sure feel Cena and Punk will grab the buy rates they desire.

Okay so match number 1. Divas Championship Match 
Beth Pheonix VS Kelly Kelly(C)  
Winner: New Champion Beth Pheonix 

 I am not going to say I enjoy women's wrestling in the competitive sense the way I like watching men work match's I mainly enjoy women's wrestling for more shamefull reasons and I don't think it has to be that way and Beth Pheonix helps represent that she can work a match she can wrestle and most importantly she has heat so it would only be smart to roll with it. 

2. Sheamus VS Mark Henry
Winner: Mark Henry 

   It has been a decade but still Mark Henry as sexual chocolate bothers me maybe it always will. But for the short moments I can forget I do see the monster Mark Henry is he's a beast and is being pushed as such. This push for Henry has to keep coming and some kind of pay off has to come from it Henry being either a World Champion and a beast on Smackdown or a PPV main event competitor for someone like Punk, Cena or Orton. I always want to try and be suspended from reality and believe I am watching something real when watching wrestling and be fooled for just a second and in reality someone like Mark Henry would be World Champion. 

3. No Holds Barred Match For The World Heavyweight Championship 
 Randy Orton VS Christian(C)
Winner: Christian 

    In my opinion I cannot have it go any other way I would have much rather have enjoyed seeing Christian have a run as a baby face champion but we don't always get what we want. Christian needs to win because WWE has two small roster and two World Titles so if Orton beats Christian how do they keep this thing going. I would love to see Christian's win to be clean but I seriously doubt I will be seeing that. I don'y see any reason for this to continue other then a lack of roster depth in the WWE currently. 

4. Undisputed WWE Championship Match Special Guest Referee Triple H
  (C)John Cena VS CM Punk(C)
Winner: CM Punk

  Why CM Punk well they explained it at the end of Raw Monday night Punk needs it without it he goes back where he was before cutting that promo which set all the events of this story into motion. John Cena has had the WWE Championship so many times it doesn't mean a thing on him at this point they have pushed him to the stars as much as they can to the stars at this point. 

Photo Credit: WWE.com

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