Wrestling Blog
  Can You Dig It Sucka. Booker Huffman is one of the top guys in the wrestling business he is a great talent Booker started with the tag division in WCW Booker has had good match's for his entire career. Has Booker main event ever like his name is Cena? Well no but Booker has had made some great main event match's. Booker the biggest star in WCW when it went under he had both major titles when WCW was purchased by Vince McMahon I had no fear and I doubt Booker did either that he would not be a WWE talent soon enough. Booker walked in WWE a dual champion WCW World Heavyweight Champion and WCW United States Championship. Some people where angry about the way Booker was booked by WWE Creative but I saw no problems. Booker had Shane McMahon in his corner as like a manager and was put with The Rock and I can already hear whining but Booker just lost and was made to look weak by The Rock. Well to all those people I say FALSE when your brought in to a company like WWE people need to understand that as big as WCW was WWE had fans who did not watch WCW during that era and had no relation to Booker T. If a new Wrestler is working with the top guy in the company or loose this will do positive things for his career and helped launch Booker forward to becoming one of WWE's top talents a few years later. I would have loved to have seen Booker T reach higher levels in WWE but it would be hard to say he was not or misused. If you have found Booker exciting funny annoying or entertaining he has always worked hard and held his own in match's and after developing in WWE he became a great promo worker.

Career Accomplishments:

WCW World Heavyweight Champion 5 Times
WCW United States Champion 1 Time
WCW World Tag Team Champion 10 Times
WCW World Television Champion 6 Times

TNA Legends Champion 1 Time 
TNA World Tag Team Champion 1 Time

WWE World Heavyweight Champion 1 Time 
WWE Tag Team Champion 3 Time
WWE Intercontinental Champion 1 Time
WWE United States Champion 3 Times
WWE King Of The Ring 2006

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