Wrestling Blog
 The WWE has two major world titles and two mid card titles and a set of tag titles so more male talent on the roster their is a total of six champions in the WWE. Actively their is forty Wrestlers fighting for 6 titles across the company it does not actually sound to bad when you put it that way but the division feel week mainly because their is not that much meaningful main event talents for two major titles. So lets talk divisions before we get down to it lets just say first off their is no way to list a tag division because it doesn't exist. But lets get started with the United States Championship on Raw. This title was huge at one time and meant the world it was the number two title in NWA and WCW. Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair, Sting, and I could go on for a entire page with names from the past that held the US title. 

United States Championship 

1. Alex Riley -  This could very soon be Alex Riley's next step he very much feels like a mid card champion right now and that's a good thing. 

2. David Otunga - He is one of the tag team champions not that being a tag champ means anything anymore but if Otunga was to get a singles tag push on Raw this is what he should be competing for. 

3. Dolph Ziggler - Well Dolph Ziggler is the current US Champ so how can he not be on this list and WWE has allowed Dolph to have the best US title run in a while he talks about the Title like it meaningful and makes the belt sound like it means something. As much as I am a Daniel Bryan Danielson mark WWE did nothing with Bryan's title run. 

4. Drew McIntyre - I think Drew is a solid talent and does not get enough TV time but he is young and I don't believe he is going anywhere. Drew is big and is a talented guy he's just missing something I don't know what is it yet. 

5. Jack Swagger - Swagger is a awesome wrestler and yes he has won a World Heavyweight Championship but the reign fell short of expectation. Jack feels like a mid carder right now and the All American American United States Champion doesn't sound to bad. 

6. John Morrison - John I feel is close to a top of the card title but Theirs still something missing from John Morrison before he becomes a World Champion. I doubt we would see Morrison as US Champio but I would not be suprised to see Morrison win the belt maybe be a transitional champion two heels. 

7. Kofi Kingston - Kofi can have a decent match but his character does nothing for me personally but he seems to over with kids. He is very easily could have this title any time now Kofi's bland promos and gimmick will keep him a mid carder. 

8. Michael Mcgillicuty -  The other half of the tag champs and the son of Curt Henning better known as Mr. Perfect is right at this mid card level and just like his partner if he had a singles push this would be the prize he should be chasing. 

9. Mason Ryan - Geeez this is a stretch but if he came back as a solo talent he could run through people and grab this title really I just want to be able to put more names on this list. 

10. Evan Bourne - I would love to see Evan win this title he's exciting and the fans are behind him so why not?

 If theirs anyone I am missing please let me know because I really wish that this list was longer but if anyone else should be on here let me know in the comments or email please ten names is not really enough if you ask me. Next the Intercontinental Championship at one point this title was huge and I mean huge this title was never a world belt of course but on rare occasion in the 80's it was the main event title for WWF at the time.

1. Cody Rhodes - The current champ again is of course on the list of course Cody is cutting good promos lately I am not the biggest fan of the clear face mask showing their is nothing wrong with his face. Also Cody needs to work with people his size not Ezekiel Jackson. 

2. Daniel Bryan - Bryan is the Money In The Bank Winner but at the same time he could win the Intercontinental Title why not? 

3. Ezekiel Jackson - This guy needs to be pushed as a monster and stop loosing to people over a hundred pounds lighter then him in reality he would kill almost everyone in the ring he faces. 

4. Heath Slater - Slater isn't a bad worker but I don't seem him doing anything but jobs right now in the WWE but he could work against a baby face Intercontinental Champion and put over the mid card Champion. 

5. Jinder Mahal - I really haven't seen Jinder do much so far but what I have seen so far has been very good. This title could very easily be next for Jinder.

6. Johnny Curtis - I know this is a bit of a stretch he just showed up with his bad pun promo's but this would be the only title he could possibly have a match for. 

7. JTG - A even bigger stretch but I guess he could lose to a mid card Champion in a title match at this point but JTG doesn't mean much. 

8. Justin Gabriel - Turning Gabriel Baby Face and having him compete for this title would be a very smart thing for WWE to do at this point in my opinion. 

9. Sin Cara - This should be the blue power rangers next step. 

10. Ted Dibiase - Ted at this point needs something and winning the Intercontinental Title within the next year wouldn't hurt him. 

11. Tyson Kidd - Another stretch but Tyson has good match's on Smackdown. 

12. Wade Barret - Not too long ago he was Intercontinental Champion but I think Wade Barret should move on to bigger and better things.

13. Zach Ryder - I like Zach he has charisma I don't think at this point he can be taken seriously enough for this Championship but that could be easily changed.

   Thirteen names and lets be honest three of them were thrown in to make the list look good. 

  The World Heavyweight Championship on Smackdown right now has been a credible wrestling title as its moved it's way through promotions over the years. 

1. Christian - Within the last six months he has held this title twice so of course he is on the list I believe from now on Christian should be working towards the top of the card. 

2. Daniel Bryan - I know this is a bit early but he won Money In The Bank and say's he will cash it in at WM 28 in a good old baby face way of doing it. So this alone puts him in the conversation. 

3. Ezekiel Jackson - This is a stretch but he has the physique to look credible enough to challenge for any title in the company.

4. Kane - I like Kane but I think its getting about time for him to hang up his boots but always a good promo and a believable guy on TV. His size gimmick and history will make Kane a always credible world title contender. 

5. Mark Henry - I cannot believe that I am doing this if someone put him on a list like this seven months ago I would have laughed but Henry is now a credible beast and is reborn as a wrestling gimmick now we just hope WWE doesn't fuck it up by having him to a job to hornswoggle. 

6. Randy Orton - He is one of the best currently Randy is a compete Super Star Wrestling Talent he has gone stale as a baby face but will always be one of the greats and a credible world title contender and is the current Champion. 

7. Sheamus - The Celtic Warrior is awesome and a credible opponent for the title soon enough n Smackdown. 

8. The Great Kali - He has been champion before so I guess he can be here but I dont think Kali is getting world gold again in his WWE career. 

9. Wade Barret - The Englishman is a awesome talent and a future star for the company this is Barrets next step sooner or later. 

Next WWE Championship


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