Wrestling Blog
   This match should be the main event on the Night Of Champions PPV. Del Rio vs Cena is not something people are really paying to see WWE has messed that feud up so bad it is unbelievable but that's a different blog altogether. 
But I have to say I am legitimately stumped I as a fan can usually watch a PPV already knowing who will win which match and most of the time I happen to be correct but this one I really don't know what is going to happen. So lets go over the options and possibilities. 

Number 1. CM Punk Wins: If this happens Triple H is now no longer COO. This could actually happen anyone out their who thinks Vince McMahon is done from TV is crazy Vince is not finished and he could be coming back in to take his revenge on CM Punk. If Hunter is screwed by Kevin Nash who the entire time has been working for Vince McMahon with John Laurinaitis being used by Vince to influence and still control the company while away or instead of Vince it could be Stephanie because lets be honest this thing Punk is doing attacking the evil higher power has not worked the last couple weeks because their is no evil power Triple H is a baby face I cannot help but see in the future Hunter standing side by side with CM Punk against this evil power in WWE that has not been displayed to us yet.

Number 2. Triple H Wins: If Hunter wins clean CM Punk dies in my opinion it would be a step back with his character that could easily end up killing his character the only reason it may not is CM Punk is so talented he could get something else over and talent always shines through. The only way in my opinion that CM Punk loses is if Hunter turns heel and cheats CM Punk and Hunter turns out to be the evil super power in WWE. I am a bigger fan of the possibilities discussed in outcome #1 above but it is what it is. 

Photo Credit: WWE.com

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