Wrestling Blog
   I hate to be the guy whining about a new talent that debuted weeks ago but im gonna do it anyway because this Ryback thing stinks. When i saw Ryan Reeves debut as Skip Shefield i saw a guy with talent and a good look he wasent a bad talker either and seemed like he had alot of upside and could become a big star. Ryan was injured and put on the shelf, I had at one point heard WWE was giving him a new character and redebuting him and had high hopes and like usual boy was i dissapointed. 

  It is hard to see under any circumstances a Goldberg remake going well  I could never understand how Goldberg got over or why WCW put him at that level. First of all why would i as a fan be interested in seeing a green wrestler beat up a bunch of mexicans hired out of the parking lot in 5 minutes. A match that the talent wins instantly and constantly is fucking retarded. If watch a protagonist driven movie like for a example a action movie the draw to the film is you learning about the character then hopefully liking him and then rooting for this character against opposition taking tension out of the match will eventually hurt it why should i care if I know who is going to win everytime. This is a partial reason why everyone hates John Cena its the same shit again and again and you know he will win in the end.

Secondly why give a green talent a push like this in wrestling you have to pay your fucking dues by doing jobs and working in the indy scene it helps you learn the ins and out of what your doing and it builds fucking character. Like a spoiled child handing someone the world right off the bat will most likely breed arrogance. Maybe Ryan is a great guy and can rise above it all but most likely hes a regular person and most peoples ego inflate when they gain a large amount of success and wealth.

My Third point is that people dont usually want to see the same shit only slightly different you gotta come back at them with something different. Basically every successful pro wrestler has had something special and different about them including Goldberg his shitty gimmick of running through everyone and not saying a word was atleast new and their was one cool thing about Goldberg that was unique that i did like which is armed security or police escorting Goldberg to the ring. It looked kinda cool and made you think he was a bad mother fucker.

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