Wrestling Blog
   We as fans can put up with some shit can't we and im telling you we have put up with enough from Michael Cole. I would love to tell you how terrible Cole really is but i find it hard to blame him because he is only doing as hes told and hired to do. Michael Cole should be doing news he has a good speaking voice and knows delivery the problem is he is not a wrestling announcer. Cole makes shitty jokes and talks about how many people follow him on Twitter. He lacks the ability to make you understand why moves are impactful and why a match is important he just spouts vintage and a bunch of crap. Why Michael Cole works both shows is beyond me he and Justin Roberts mock Booker T constantly for lacking as a announcer when in reality Booker T helps paint the picture of a match Bookers flaws at the announce table can be fixed in time where I find it difficult to see Michael Cole change his announce style and figure out what a wrestling match really is or if he does know then be allowed to articulate it on air.

The last two Wrestlemania's have featured Undertaker vs Triple H matchs as one of the events bigger draws. At both events these matchs had Jim Ross come to the ring and announce both matchs why?. Like i said before what a wrestling announcers job is too help paint the picture off the story and escpecially action. Yes Jim Ross is the best at doing this ever but I believe Triple H made sure Jim Ross would announce those matchs because he wanted to tell a certain story that needed a true wrestling announcer at the helm describing the match and painting the picture. This is something Michael Cole cannot do and this is why he needs to leave or change I honestly believe the shitty announcing currently in WWE hurts the product. Jerry Lawler was once the funny entertaining guy who had some decent jokes and was WWE's quirky old perv it was funny because he was silly and JR was always seriouse they could play off each other and it worked well and was entertaining. This doesnt exist anymore Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole are both fairly generic. Their biggest difference is that one like heels and one like baby faces they attempt to play off each other by Jerry Mocking Cole for being a pompis ass.

 The WWE somehow claims that they are low on announcing talent when Jim Ross was on fucking FCW last week FCW!!!!!!. What is Jim Ross doing their teh best announcer of all time is working in the minor leagues good old jr must sell alot of BBQ sauce through WWE.com because he has been abused by the company is the last 12 months.

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