Wrestling Blog
Photo Credit: Photo Bucket
 Randy in the last year has become a little stale with the Viper gimmick but one thing has not changed about Randy Orton is his match's. Randy always has great match's he is probably the best full time talent right now at having a great believable match. Randy is a prodigy of the wrestling business he is a third generation wrestler and has accomplished so much in his career already. Winning all kinds of title in the WWE and having some big main events like Wrestlemania 25. Randy Orton is far from done and will not be finished for a very long time he is still the future for this company he is talented established and eventually when WWE decides to turn Randy into a heel once again we will see Randy Orton at the very tip top once again. When it is all said and done I believe fans will look back at Randy Orton as one of the best wrestlers ever he is a complete package. A amazing look, great wrestling skills and a decent ability to talk and most important Randy has always been believable. 

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