Wrestling Blog
   We as fans can put up with some shit can't we and im telling you we have put up with enough from Michael Cole. I would love to tell you how terrible Cole really is but i find it hard to blame him because he is only doing as hes told and hired to do. Michael Cole should be doing news he has a good speaking voice and knows delivery the problem is he is not a wrestling announcer. Cole makes shitty jokes and talks about how many people follow him on Twitter. He lacks the ability to make you understand why moves are impactful and why a match is important he just spouts vintage and a bunch of crap. Why Michael Cole works both shows is beyond me he and Justin Roberts mock Booker T constantly for lacking as a announcer when in reality Booker T helps paint the picture of a match Bookers flaws at the announce table can be fixed in time where I find it difficult to see Michael Cole change his announce style and figure out what a wrestling match really is or if he does know then be allowed to articulate it on air.

The last two Wrestlemania's have featured Undertaker vs Triple H matchs as one of the events bigger draws. At both events these matchs had Jim Ross come to the ring and announce both matchs why?. Like i said before what a wrestling announcers job is too help paint the picture off the story and escpecially action. Yes Jim Ross is the best at doing this ever but I believe Triple H made sure Jim Ross would announce those matchs because he wanted to tell a certain story that needed a true wrestling announcer at the helm describing the match and painting the picture. This is something Michael Cole cannot do and this is why he needs to leave or change I honestly believe the shitty announcing currently in WWE hurts the product. Jerry Lawler was once the funny entertaining guy who had some decent jokes and was WWE's quirky old perv it was funny because he was silly and JR was always seriouse they could play off each other and it worked well and was entertaining. This doesnt exist anymore Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole are both fairly generic. Their biggest difference is that one like heels and one like baby faces they attempt to play off each other by Jerry Mocking Cole for being a pompis ass.

 The WWE somehow claims that they are low on announcing talent when Jim Ross was on fucking FCW last week FCW!!!!!!. What is Jim Ross doing their teh best announcer of all time is working in the minor leagues good old jr must sell alot of BBQ sauce through WWE.com because he has been abused by the company is the last 12 months.

   I hate to be the guy whining about a new talent that debuted weeks ago but im gonna do it anyway because this Ryback thing stinks. When i saw Ryan Reeves debut as Skip Shefield i saw a guy with talent and a good look he wasent a bad talker either and seemed like he had alot of upside and could become a big star. Ryan was injured and put on the shelf, I had at one point heard WWE was giving him a new character and redebuting him and had high hopes and like usual boy was i dissapointed. 

  It is hard to see under any circumstances a Goldberg remake going well  I could never understand how Goldberg got over or why WCW put him at that level. First of all why would i as a fan be interested in seeing a green wrestler beat up a bunch of mexicans hired out of the parking lot in 5 minutes. A match that the talent wins instantly and constantly is fucking retarded. If watch a protagonist driven movie like for a example a action movie the draw to the film is you learning about the character then hopefully liking him and then rooting for this character against opposition taking tension out of the match will eventually hurt it why should i care if I know who is going to win everytime. This is a partial reason why everyone hates John Cena its the same shit again and again and you know he will win in the end.

Secondly why give a green talent a push like this in wrestling you have to pay your fucking dues by doing jobs and working in the indy scene it helps you learn the ins and out of what your doing and it builds fucking character. Like a spoiled child handing someone the world right off the bat will most likely breed arrogance. Maybe Ryan is a great guy and can rise above it all but most likely hes a regular person and most peoples ego inflate when they gain a large amount of success and wealth.

My Third point is that people dont usually want to see the same shit only slightly different you gotta come back at them with something different. Basically every successful pro wrestler has had something special and different about them including Goldberg his shitty gimmick of running through everyone and not saying a word was atleast new and their was one cool thing about Goldberg that was unique that i did like which is armed security or police escorting Goldberg to the ring. It looked kinda cool and made you think he was a bad mother fucker.

A few months ago i gave up on this website out of pure fustration with wrestling i have a love hate relationship with the business. Wrestlings great when done right it creates some great moments or in recent years aweful ones. So im returning too share my pain with you people.
  TNA Wrestling has again showed why they are so tragic their last PPV i think it was Slammiversary or something honestly at this point who the fuck cares im shocked their still in business. Anyway TNA's last PPV sept 11th 2011 and the same night that Sunday Night Football had its season debut. So on 9/11 TNA went head to head with the NFL probably the most popular sports league in North America right now. Not only that the game was featuring the New York Jets on the ten year anniversary of 9/11 versus the Dallas Cowboys America's team.

If you just read that last paragraph and went woah what a stupid decision going head to head with sunday night football with those circumstances is moronic to say the least it gets worse. TNA announced their main event only one hour and fourty five minutes before the PPV aired. What this tells me is that no one in their office is checking the competitions schedule a good business knows what their competition i doing thats a fact. I have known small wrestling promoters and they would never run their small show infront of 600 people on the same night the town has a highschool football team is playing or their is a band in town doing a show and these guys are not part of a major company or running their promotion on a major network i mean honestly what the fuck TNA? Where is the business sense where is the common sense. Sadly its just not their and its sad to see it because i want TNA to excell its good for the business in general. TNA will die or flounder forever until they improve all accross the board.
  After watching Night of Chumpions and yes i did mean to type Chumpions i was horrified and shocked that John Cena defeated Del Rio clean not only clean Del Rio tapped out. Now that i think about it i shouldnt be shocked WWE has been running him through everybody for five years now but Del Rio left this feud dead in the water. Del Rio cashed in Money In The Bank to become WWE Champion which does not make you look like a strong champion as a matter of a fact it makes you a weak champ. So Cena comes out to spoil the party and become the baby face to take on Del Rio my initial thoughts where good pairing if they can somehow make Cena look like a underdog by having Del Rio beat him then we could have a real wrestling feud the supposid working man's hero John Cena versus the rich arrogant champion in Del Rio. But what we as fans where given was first Cena coming out and barrying Del Rio's gimmick by talking about how his cars are rentals and just altogether made his opponent seem like a big joke that Cena would squash in 15 seconds Cena gave Del Rio no credit. Watching the barrying take place i went oh okay Cena is gonna make it look like he will win at Night of Champions but instead everyone will be shocked when Del Rio wins and gets made.

 What in reality happened was on PPV Cena stole Del Rio's car came out beat him in ten minutes made Del Rio tapp out and John did everything he promised. How is it good business to take one of your new growing stars and just kill his gimmick like this Del Rio is talented and will get his heat back but right now for the next PPV at Hell In a Cell he looks very weak. WWE made the saem mistake with Miz he cashed in Money in The Bank on Randy Orton. First Miz needed help to defend his title against 60 year old Jerry Lawler in a TLC match. Then Miz had a tables match as his second title defense where he cheated with Alex Rileys help to defeat Orton. Next Miz went on to feud with Lawler again and this time Miz actually beat someone clean Miz went to main event Wrestlemania against John Cena and The Rock interfered allowing Miz to win the match. So in The Miz's illustrias WWE Title run he beat Jerry Lawler whos in his 60's clean their is something very wrong with that.

Photo Credit: WWE.com
 It seems every week CM Punk comes out and well says the same thing every week. It is his new thing and it kills me to say this because I love CM Punk but it is getting very stale but in my opinion but is not really the problem. Rock and Austin said the same things alot and that is okay for a time. The problem with CM Punk and his feud with Triple H is their is no heel. CM Punk whines and complains and freaks out about being screwed and his current target of this anger is Triple H who has done nothing wrong. If anything WWE has tried to make Hunter look like a baby face. We as fans are positioned to have sympathy for Triple H's character someone is insulting his ability to do his job and his man hood that he is for lack of a better word whipped by his 
wife. So why as a fan should I be behind CM Punk because he exposes the business and cuts work shoot promos. Well that doesn't do anything good exposing the business will only work when it has impact like when Punk cut his first promo where his mic was cut. What Punk needs is a apparent stand out enemy someone you can point at not the WWE as a company or the mentality of smaller guys cant get over. 

  I am not comparing the two talents but Steve Austin's run against the powers at be anyone could see that Steve Austin's enemy was Vince McMahon. So on Sunday will we finally get to see a enemy a true enemy for CM Punk right now as much as I love CM Punk he is helping the business it has slowed down and tomorrow night all of our new found faith in the WWE's usage of CM Punk is renewed. 

Photo Credit: Photo Bucket
 Randy in the last year has become a little stale with the Viper gimmick but one thing has not changed about Randy Orton is his match's. Randy always has great match's he is probably the best full time talent right now at having a great believable match. Randy is a prodigy of the wrestling business he is a third generation wrestler and has accomplished so much in his career already. Winning all kinds of title in the WWE and having some big main events like Wrestlemania 25. Randy Orton is far from done and will not be finished for a very long time he is still the future for this company he is talented established and eventually when WWE decides to turn Randy into a heel once again we will see Randy Orton at the very tip top once again. When it is all said and done I believe fans will look back at Randy Orton as one of the best wrestlers ever he is a complete package. A amazing look, great wrestling skills and a decent ability to talk and most important Randy has always been believable. 

   This match should be the main event on the Night Of Champions PPV. Del Rio vs Cena is not something people are really paying to see WWE has messed that feud up so bad it is unbelievable but that's a different blog altogether. 
But I have to say I am legitimately stumped I as a fan can usually watch a PPV already knowing who will win which match and most of the time I happen to be correct but this one I really don't know what is going to happen. So lets go over the options and possibilities. 

Number 1. CM Punk Wins: If this happens Triple H is now no longer COO. This could actually happen anyone out their who thinks Vince McMahon is done from TV is crazy Vince is not finished and he could be coming back in to take his revenge on CM Punk. If Hunter is screwed by Kevin Nash who the entire time has been working for Vince McMahon with John Laurinaitis being used by Vince to influence and still control the company while away or instead of Vince it could be Stephanie because lets be honest this thing Punk is doing attacking the evil higher power has not worked the last couple weeks because their is no evil power Triple H is a baby face I cannot help but see in the future Hunter standing side by side with CM Punk against this evil power in WWE that has not been displayed to us yet.

Number 2. Triple H Wins: If Hunter wins clean CM Punk dies in my opinion it would be a step back with his character that could easily end up killing his character the only reason it may not is CM Punk is so talented he could get something else over and talent always shines through. The only way in my opinion that CM Punk loses is if Hunter turns heel and cheats CM Punk and Hunter turns out to be the evil super power in WWE. I am a bigger fan of the possibilities discussed in outcome #1 above but it is what it is. 

Photo Credit: WWE.com
    Over Exposure is something rampant in pro wrestling today it is unbelievable how over exposed talent is today. I think it is hard to argue if WWE was to stopped showing some of the major stars on the television shows. But when I look at the card of a WWE pay per view it is hard pressed to find a match where I have not seen the two competitors wrestler before but even worse sometimes its hard to find a match you have not seen on TV yet. It takes health issues for WWE to show someone less and make them look larger than life and that is the Undertaker when he comes out today it does feel special because you know how talented he is the legend he is and it feels special because he rarely wrestles a match.   

  TNA makes a legend like Sting feel regular because he is on Impact every week and now killing his legend with this Joker gimmick. Sting is too old to work a full schedule he is injury prone so has to work a soft style. Why doesn't TNA have Sting show up less maybe only on pay per view and make Sting feel special like he is a legend. If it was up to me and theirs many reasons why its not and never will be but Sting Wrestling three match's a year would be perfect in my opinion if you made a big deal out of it they would be TNA's biggest draws of the year. 

  This in the end is a cause of a lack of talent in wrestling currently caused by many things and is another blog for another day. But today we see the same stars again and again people hate constantly on John Cena and one of his biggest issues is the fact is that his gimmick went stale years ago. A comparison will always be made between Big Show and Andre The Giant for reasons anyone can see but what made Andre the bigger star was his usage. Andre a attraction he was brought in at special times most commonly tagging with a major baby face against a team of heels  Andre's size charisma and the fact he was made into a attraction made him so special in today's society and wrestling business someone like Big Show Paul White looses that special feeling when you see him on Raw or Smackdown each week.